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HKCBA Calgary Scholarship 2024

Hong Kong Canada Business Association Calgary Scholarship 2023/24









2024 Hong Kong Canada Business Association Calgary Scholarship



Hong Kong, renowned as a vibrant global city, has long been recognized as a hub for professional development, academic excellence and cultural enrichment. It services as a gateway between East and West, blending rich cultural heritage with a dynamic business environment.  Whether you are considering working, studying or travelling, Hong Kong has much to offer.  


Each year the Hong Kong Canada Business Association “HKCBA” Calgary Chapter awards scholarships for postsecondary students.  This year the scholarship is to support Calgary university/college students in realizing their dreams of studying, working or traveling to Hong Kong.


2024 Theme

For professionals, Hong Kong boasts a robust economy, providing a myriad of career prospects across various sectors.  For academics, Hong Kong is home to several renowned universities and educational institutions.  These institutions are known for their commitment to excellence, cutting-edge research and diverse academic programs. For those interested in cultural enrichment, Hong Kong’s rich cultural tapestry and dynamic lifestyle make it an unforgettable destination for everyone. Whether you aspire to excel in your career, or pursue academic excellence, or to broaden your horizon, Hong Kong will undoubtedly provide a nurturing platform for your ambitions.  



Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants must be currently enrolled in Bow Valley College, Mount Royal University, University of Calgary.
  • The scholarship will be open to students from various disciplines.
  • Applicants must demonstrate a strong interest in Hong Kong and a clear motivation to pursue an exchange program and work experience in Hong Kong, or clear interest to travel to experience the rich cultural heritage of the city.


Selection Process

  • Applications will be evaluated based on academic achievements, motivation, and the potential for cultural exchange and personal growth.
  • A panel will be formed to ensure a fair and rigorous selection process.
  • Applicant requires to submit a personal statement/essay and film a creative video to explain why they interest in working, studying or travelling to Hong Kong

Application package

  • Personal Statement or Essay to highlight the motivation for applying for the scholarship.   
  • Personal video to showcase why you are a deserving candidate. 
  • Academic or professional Letters of Support (optional)

Application package should be submit to HKCBA Calgary at



  • Special prize: $ 3000 cash (one) + a complimentary ticket to attend HKCBA Calgary Lunar New Year Gala & Student’s reception on February 7 2025 $138 + one- year free HKCBA Student membership $31.5.   
  • First prize: $ 1,500 (one) + a complimentary ticket to attend HKCBA Calgary Lunar New Year Gala & Student’s reception on February 7 2025  $138 + one- year free HKCBA student membership $31.5. 
  • Second prize: C$1,000 (one) + a complimentary ticket to attend HKCBA Calgary Lunar New Year Gala & Student’s reception on February 7 2025 $138 + + one- year free HKCBA student membership $31.5. 
  • Third prize: C$500 (one) + a complimentary ticket to attend HKCBA Calgary Lunar New Year Gala & Student’s reception on February 7 2025 $138 + one- year free HKCBA student membership $31.5



  • Application deadline: 7 December 2024  
  • Winner announcement: 7 January 2025 (winners recognized at the Lunar New Year Gala)


Award presentation

The awards are presented each year at the annual HKCBA Lunar New Year Gala in Calgary, Alberta. The winning students are expected to be present at the event to be recognized for the award.


The Hong Kong Canada Business Association (HKCBA) is part of a world-wide association with over 11,000 members in 37 countries. HKCBA's mission is to expand commercial relationships between Canada and Hong Kong as well as throughout Asia, using Hong Kong as the platform for advancing this objective. We also promote a strong business and community network within our membership across Canada through our programs. HKCBA Calgary section also serve as a valuable platform for individuals who wish to be connected with the increasing level of business activity between Calgary and Asia. We accomplish this through a full program of informational seminars and networking events.

For more information on HKCBA Calgary, please visit






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